Concrete Cutting & Removal
The process of Concrete Removal is one of the first essential stages of any repair and refurbishment project. Localised breakouts can be undertaken for small-scale repairs using traditional methods, however for larger-scale operations, alternative methods of removal are required in order to suitably prepare and adapt concrete structures to our client's requirements. Through in-house planning and design, APA can also provide value engineering solutions to reduce programme durations and access costs.
APA Concrete Repairs Ltd provides a range of Concrete Removal services:
- Floor Sawing - A reliable method for the clean cutting of horizontal, flat surfaces, used for the cutting and forming of crack inducing expansion joints, where a section of slab has been damaged and for the isolation of slabs prior to demolition. We typically utilise this method in the cutting of roadways, carriageways, bridges and concrete slabs up to a depth of 500mm.
- Wire Sawing - A Wire Saw is an incredibly versatile cutting machine, with its capacity almost unlimited due to its ability to be adjusted to suit a particular surface or task. This method is used to cut through structures of any thickness prior to demolition or removal, often utilised for large structures such as piers, docks (above and below water), columns and towers, allowing for a fast, efficient and safe removal process.
- Diamond Drilling - This method is used to create a hole of a very precise size within concrete surfaces. We typically utilise Diamond Core Drilling to drill through walls, roads and slabs of varying sizes. We additionally use this technique for the process of "Stitch Drilling", whereby holes are overlapped for the formation of openings in concrete.
- Hydro-Demolition - Utilises a technique of controlled high-pressure water jetting for the removal or demolition of defective concrete, allowing for a clean surface and suitable profile for the reinstatement of new concrete. To find out more about our Hydro-Demolition services, click here.