Structural Waterproofing is an essential safeguard in the majority of construction; water ingress can lead to corrosion, increased heat loss, frost damage to masonry and unsightly water damage to both internal and external surfaces, amongst various other associated problems, therefore making the need for Structural Waterproofing increasingly fundamental in both new and existing structures of all backgrounds.
APA Concrete Repairs Ltd are experienced suppliers and applicators of numerous systems and methods of Waterproofing and are equipped to offer this service for a variety of structures, notably including roofs, balconies & walkways, podium decks, bridge decks, carparks, tunnels and many others. Our staff are also qualified to the Certified Surveyor in Structural Waterproofing (CSSW) standard, ensuring the most accurate diagnostics and recommended design solutions for all waterproofing needs.
APA Concrete Repairs Ltd are vastly experienced in the provision and installation of multiple methods of Structural Waterproofing application: